Archive | July 2013

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SUCCEED WITH STYLE: It Can Happen In An Instant

Your image, your reputation, and even your integrity can be easily compromised and possibly destroyed by poor judgment and the click of a button.  Look at Congressman Anthony Weiner.  One inappropriate photo, one click on Twitter and it was over.  He may eventually recover, but the damage has been done and it will never be […]

Margaret Batter Can Help You Through Image Consulting

Some people out there in the business world really know how to inspire others! They have made it their work to take on the challenges of what holds others back from success. By helping them to transform with proven methods from where they are to what they have the opportunity for, it opens up so […]

Look, Act, And Be A Professional In The Eyes Of Consumers

What does your professional presence say about you right now? Do you feel like you are really pounding the pavement with effort but that the return on that time investment is very little? If so, it could be time for you to give your image a complete overhaul. There are many levels to this and […]