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Leave an imprint on people’s mind – Creating Your Personal Brand Through Appearance

image communication expertIt is not enough if you use the choicest of words and speak very well. Your appearance and body language play a vital role too. if you want people to pay attention to you and listen to you. A dowdy-looking person, no matter how good an orator he or she is, will fail to draw good audience. Your personality is complete only if you dress well, carry yourself with confidence and exhibit impeccable etiquette. The way you talk, the way you dress and the way you move around in the midst of people help create your personal brand. What you say, how you say and how you look when you say are the chief ingredients of your overall appearance, which then becomes your personal brand. You thus succeed in creating your personal brand through appearance, and carving your own unique identity no matter where you go.

A study conducted way back in 1987 at UCLA came up with these findings. In any given situation, when a person addressed a gathering, the content of the speech scored only 7%, the general diction and the body language of the speaker scored 38%, whereas a whopping 55% was attributed to the appearance of the speaker at the time of the speech. Now you know, how important is the way you look and behave – in other words, visual or non-verbal communication – when you are in the company of others. What your listeners see when they listen to you is crucial to creating your personal brand. Thus, there is no way you can ignore your non-verbal communication if you are looking to establish yourself as an interesting and awesome personality!

Your clothes speak of your taste and character. Choose your attire carefully without trying to look flashy or gaudy. Your taste in clothing is symbolic of your values and personality. Make sure that your outfit befits and compliments your role and the occasion. Since your apparel gives a lot of information about you, you ought to be careful about what you buy and what you wear. The way you look affects your self-opinion, your speech, your movements and lastly, people’s response and reaction. Once you have done the right things at right time, you have naturally succeeded in creating your personal brand through appearance which in turn helps you to form your professional image too.

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