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Image Counseling Advice To Make That First Impression Count

image counselingThe first impression that you make with someone is a lot more important than people realize. Every time you are introduced to a new person, you are given the chance to make a good first impression. This is an opportunity that people squander every day, and one that, as an image counseling professional, I frequently am invited to speak about.

When you are creating your personal brand through appearance, you need to understand that every day is a possible chance to make a first impression on someone new. The problem with first impressions is that they happen in a matter of seconds, and you don’t get a second chance at them. People in the business world need to understand that the first impression goes well beyond the interview setting, and that a flimsy handshake can say more about you in three seconds than any amount of pretty words on a resume.

Throughout my career as an image counseling professional, I have heard stories and witnessed things that you wouldn’t believe. For the first impression, you must always be alert and aware of the fact that everything about you is judged in those opening seconds during the introduction. Sloppy or unprofessional dress, scuffed shoes, messy hair with flyaways sticking up, a weak handshake, poor posture, even a failure to maintain proper eye contact can all work against you in the mind of the person you’ve just been introduced to.

Once you get past the interview though, the average worker stops seeming to care about all of these little details. That practiced smile and alert disposition all too quickly fade into trying to sneak black jeans past the boss without being noticed, and failing to give your hair the attention it requires every morning. All the while, this sloppiness leads to creating your personal brand through appearance in the workplace, and that personal brand is one of sloppiness and lack of caring.

As an image counseling professional, I can’t stress enough how every day should be treated like you are trying to make a good first impression on someone. This is because you will make a first impression on at least someone every day of your life. Whether this is a new hire at your company, a business partner coming in to make a new contract, or a new customer, the first impression that you make must be taken seriously on an everyday basis.

What many of my customers don’t realize is that once a first impression has been made poorly, it will require months, if not years, of continued effort to reverse that impression in someone’s mind. Unfortunately, you are not given months or years to correct your mistake. Rather, you are shown the door, while someone who was a little more alert to the details that make a good first impression is given the opportunity in your place. Trust your image counseling expert, and always be ready to make that first good impression.

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