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Creating Your Personal Brand through Appearance in Three Steps

personal brand

Your personal brand can determine your chances of landing a lucrative job, getting a promotion, or taking your relationship to the next level. Your brand influences how others think about you. What someone thinks about you will determine how much they trust you, how much time they want to spend with you, and how capable they feel you are of accomplishing important tasks.

Obviously, it is important to establish the right personal brand and then maintain that brand over time. If you do not have a brand at this time, it is important to start right now. There are three things you can do to begin the process of creating your personal brand through appearance.

The first step is to determine what image you want to present to the world. When others think about you, what do you want them to think? In order to get others to view you in that ideal light, you need to create an image that fits. Write down some words that describe the way you want others to think of you. Add words that describe what makes you different from other people or your competitors. This list of words represents your personal brand.

The second step is to go into your closet and start pulling out items that you feel fit your brand perfectly. It may help to think of someone who already portrays a lifestyle or personality that fits your brand. What would they wear? What clothing styles might make others think of you in accordance with your personal brand?

You will notice that a lot of items in your closet do not fit your personal brand. Creating your personal brand through appearance can get expensive if you are starting from scratch, but you can spread it out over time. Start with a few items that you can mix and match to create several outfits that fit your brands. With time, you can purchase additional pieces to fill your closet with attire that fits your brand.

The third step is to pay attention to the smaller details of your appearance. How long has it been since you went with a new style for your hair? Are you sure that the colors you select for makeup are perfectly matched to your complexion and the image you want to portray? Do you need to boost your self-confidence so you can hold your head high?

Once you get the appearance down, start questioning the things you do and the places you visit. Make sure every aspect of your life supports the brand you are creating. It may take some time for people you already know to start looking at you in a new light, but it will happen if you are consistent in creating your personal brand through appearance.

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