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A Look at Your Professional Image

professional imageUpon meeting you, do you know what people are seeing? What do you think that the people in the professional world are thinking about you, even when they have known you for years? With everything you do and say, people are evaluating you and the things you do. While some of the thoughts and impressions may be positive, others may need a lot of work.

Chances are when you meet a new person you instantly evaluate their professional image right off the bat. That will end up being the same approach that they take when they meet you. Everything from your physical appearance to how you carry yourself and the way you speak will all have an impact on how they think you. It is critical that you look at these areas and find out how you can improve on how you present yourself.

Your Clothes and Hygiene Can Make or Break You

While you don’t need to look like a movie star when you walk into a room, you do need to ensure you are neat and clean when you meet people. Your outfit should look like they were planned to be worn together and with an attention to detail. You should have shined shoes, clothes should match and your belt should be in good repair.

Men should be clean shaven, while women should have their makeup applied in a manner that is professional. Additionally important will be your hairstyle. Men should have a clean cut and professional trim, while women should have kept shoulder length or long hair that is pulled back.

When people look at you, they need to be seeing someone they can count on and trust at all times.

How Do You Speak?

If you mumble your words and look down when you speak to someone, you aren’t going to achieve a degree of authority. Instead, you need to ensure you deliver a clear tone at an acceptable volume and a consistent speed. Instead of just rushing through words, deliver concise information that is easy to understand, while avoiding unprofessional slang.

You need to do what you can to come across as sincere, friendly and considerate, while avoiding things like profanity that take away from your appearance. The goal isn’t to be popular, instead it is to be respected and seen as the professional that you truly are.

What you need to keep in mind is that all areas of the person that you are will be looked at when you walk into a business setting. Because of this, you need to ensure that you keep focused on your professional image and do what you can to maintain an image you are proud of, that ensures you are well respected.

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