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Professional Presence with Finishing School Poise

professional dressingToday we are going to school – finishing school, that is. There was a time when people were taught proper etiquette, appropriate speech and how to be a lady or gentleman in any given situation. While much of the ‘old timey’ charm school teaching may be considered a thing of the past, there will always be room for good manners and it would behoove you to polish your professional presence with finishing school poise.

Brush up on your manners.

Good manners never go out of style. Saying please and thank you, sending thank you notes and not interrupting when other are talking are the basics of good manners. But it goes beyond that. Pick up a good book on etiquette and brush up because good manners are the crux of a professional image.

Give your wardrobe a professional image makeover.

A professional wardrobe is for grown-ups. You want to have several pieces, tops and skirts for women, slacks and shirts for men; that are neutral in color and are interchangeable. Stick with classic styles and avoid trendy clothing and accessories.

Ladies, no skirts above the knee (even when sitting) and no low cut, cleavage baring tops and wear appropriate undergarments. Men, not trendy, tight slacks or shirts unbuttoned more than two buttons and wear an undershirt under your dress shirt. Also check the fit. You want to avoid clothing that is too tight or clingy.

Broaden your culinary horizons.

Sophistication has many layers. You want to be well rounded and that includes preparing your palette for cuisine that extends beyond burgers and pizza. Grab a friend and go on some culinary adventures. Try a few different dishes and learn about food trends such as tapas. It may also be a good idea to learn how to whip up a simple yet elegant pasta dish with fresh tomatoes and spinach – no cans allowed.

Develop a nose for news.

Projecting a professional image includes projecting intelligence and awareness of what is going on in your world. Keeping up with current events is easier than ever with 24 hour news channels and hundreds of news sites on the internet. You don’t have to know it all or become a political scientist, but know enough to have an intelligent conversation.

Learn to speak.

Clean articulation gives you an air of intelligence and people will notice. Keep your voice at a pleasant tone, not too loud or too soft. Avoid slang terms and limit your use of contractions. Watch your words and use them correctly. Little will undermine your credibility more than saying ‘pacific’ instead of ‘specific’ or some similar faux pas. Search ‘commonly confused words’ on the internet and learn about their proper uses. Oxford Dictionaries has an excellent guide.

Practice good posture.

Good posture conveys confidence and competency. You want to stand up straight, chin up, shoulders back and (for ladies) pelvis tucked to avoid a sway backed look. You can get a good feel for good posture by standing with your heels and shoulders against a wall. Try to press the small of your back into the wall. Raise your diaphragm and breathe from your diaphragm.

Make your mark with personalized stationery.

Personalized stationery adds a professional personal touch to your correspondence. Select a nice, high quality paper in cream or off white and have your monogram printed on it. Get some matching note cards and even envelopes. There are many places where you can get very classy, professional personalized stationery for a very low price. And it is well worth the investment.

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